Trouvé sur "The Waaagh", d'un gars qui a apparemment eu l'IA8 entre les mains :
"My friend got the new imperial armour books and said this about the new grot tanks:
Elite choice of 3-6 tanks for twice the cost of a loota.
Armour is same as a warbuggy. Not open topped.
Has to have one: big shoota, skorcha, grotzooka, rokkit launcha, kustom mega blasta.
Can have pintle shoota and/or red paint jobs.
They move 2D6" per turn, or 3D6" and fire no weapons but then on a double 1 a tank takes a penetrating hit.
One can be upgraded to be the kommanda and can buy a second weapon from the list. This lets you re-roll the move distance.
They also get a ramshackle 5+ invulnerable save ( not against ordinance though ".
"40k scale bommerz
Both have 3 structure points
Blasta Bommer:
Basic is same price as our skullhamma can carry 20 stormboyz who can use their rokkit packs to jump out or it can replace the transport with bomms. it can also carry another 6 bomms or supa-rokkits on its wings
Has 10 big shootas and Deth Arsenal: 120" range, Str 9, AP3 Heavy 3D6
Plus it also fires D3 supa rokkits at the same time
Regular bommer is 100 points less and is the same except it hasn't got the deth arsenal but can take more bomms instead of the transport Also has 10 big shootas"
"Kustom Stompa Section which is very much like the one in white dwarf only more detailed.
He says:
3 head options
9 left arm options
9 right arm options
10 left shoulder options
10 right shoulder options
8 hull weapon options
4 additional weapon options
4 vehicle upgrade options
Belly gun is same as in the WD apoc sheet,
Everything within 3D6" gets hit with a Str7 AP3 hit
Can only fire every other turn though but not the first turn.
You lose all transport capacity.
KillBursta Tank also has the Belly gun which can be upgraded for a Bursta Kannon: 36" range, Str D, AP 2 7" blast
Has 3 structure points and armour the same as a leman russ but with 1 extra side armour
50 pts cheaper than a skullhamma"
"Buzzgob has a warboss statline but with 3 attacks. Also has slugga, big choppa, bosspole and 2 grot oilers.
His servo arms count as mek tools and he gets D3 additional attacks from them in the first round of combat, not including charge bonuses. All attacks count as big choppa's
Theres rules for his kustom stompa called "da big lugga"
Can be taken as a special char for any ork army. Can also lead a dread mob list.
Costs same pts as a battlewagon with a kannon.
Warkopta in squads of 1-3. Costs slightly less than 11 boyz
Armour etc is a warbuggy but is also skimmer.
TL Deffgun and a big shoota.
Can carry 10 but no mega armour.
Can upgrade big shoota to a skorcha, rokkit launcha or kustom mega blasta
Can upgrade its TL deffguns to a TL Ratler Kannon : 24" range, S4, AP6, 2D6 shots. If you roll a double 1 the weapon is destroyed.
Can get red paint job, stikkbomb chucka's and / or 2 big bomms
Meka Dred - costs a kan with grotzooka less than ghaz
I think same stats as a mega dred. A3.
Fixin' Klaws
2 Rippa Klaws
Armour Plates
Grot Riggers
Must take one of:
Mega Charga
Rokkit Bomb Packs
Kustom Force Field
May replace 1 of its rippa klaws with one of these: ( lose 1 A )
Big Zappa
Rattler Kannon
Same 5+ inv and Rippa Klaws as Standard Mega Dred
Meka Klaws - counts as meks tools and can be used on itself when its not
stunned. Also gets an extra, extra attack when it charges.
Mega Charga - Same as Standard Mega Dred
Rokkit Bomb Packs - counts as lobba that fires D3 shots per turn. Afterwards roll a D6, on a 1 or 2 it runs out of ammo.
- does exactly what it says on the tin!
Shunta - Can re-roll failed armour pen Range 24", S8, AP4, Heavy 1, small blast, pinning"
Ça a l'air bien sympa tout ça... Surtout s'ils sortent les figs des Blasta Bommers !
EDIT - trouvé sur Warseer:
"Dread Mob
Big Mek
Pain Boss
Kustom Meka-Dread
Mek Boss Buzzgob
Burna Boyz
Cybork Slasha Mob (Cybork Nobz with special rules)
MekBoy Junka
Spanna Boyz (Slugga/ Shoota Boyz)
Gretchin Scavenger Mob (Gretchin with Assault and Defencive Grenades)
Deff Dread Mob Squadron
---Dedicated Transport---
Scrap Truk (normal Truk with a few free extra bitz)
Fast Attack
WarKoptas (Transport Choppa with Weapons)
Killa Kan Attack Mob
Grot Battle Tank mob
Heavy Support
Loota Mob
Looted Wagon
Lifta Wagon (Battle Wagon with Lifta Droppa)
Big Trakk
Le sommaire du bouquin :
Y a des règles spécifiques pour un motoboss Evil Sunz !